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- ;
- ; *** GeoWorld V1.0 © by Beer Productions / 09 Jun 1997 ***
- ;
- ; $VER: GeoWorld - Update-Installer V1.05 (10.05.98)
- ;Variablen
- (set #appname "GeoWorld")
- (set @default-dest
- (askdir
- (prompt "Choose the directory of your HD, WHERE the GeoWorld-DIRECTORY is located.\n")
- (disk)
- (help @askdir-help)
- (default @default-dest)
- )
- )
- (set @default-dest (tackon @default-dest "GeoWorld"))
- (set #destdir (cat "\"" @default-dest "/" "\""))
- (set #dir (@default-dest ))
- (set #datadir (tackon @default-dest "Daten/"))
- (set #flagdir (tackon @default-dest "Flaggen/"))
- (set #helpdir (tackon @default-dest "Help/"))
- (set #kontdir (tackon @default-dest "Kontinente/"))
- (set #laendir (tackon @default-dest "Laender/"))
- (set #sampdir (tackon @default-dest "Samples/"))
- (set #linfdir (tackon @default-dest "LInfo/"))
- (set #sinfdir (tackon @default-dest "SInfo/"))
- (working " Installation of the GeoWorld-Update V1.08 ")
- (If (Not (Exists (tackon @default-dest "")))
- (abort "Couldn't find the GeoWorld directory.\nThe installation will be aborted.")
- )
- (working " Installation of the new GeoWorld main program V1.08 ")
- (copyfiles
- (help "")
- (SOURCE "GeoWorld")
- (DEST #dir)
- (optional nofail force askuser)
- )
- (working " Installation of the new data archiv")
- (set a
- (run ("C:lha x %s %s" "Daten.lha" #datadir)
- )
- )
- (if (<> a 0)
- (message "Error while installing data archiv.")
- )
- ;spezielle englische Datenfiles kopieren
- (copyfiles
- (help "")
- (SOURCE "lo")
- (DEST #datadir)
- (optional nofail force askuser)
- )
- (copyfiles
- (help "")
- (SOURCE "ta")
- (DEST #datadir)
- (optional nofail force askuser)
- )
- (working " Installation of the new online-help ")
- (set a
- (run ("C:lha x %s %s" "Help_engl.lha" #helpdir)
- )
- )
- (if (<> a 0)
- (message "Error while installing online-help.")
- )
- (working " Installation of the new cities data ")
- (set a
- (run ("C:lha x %s %s" "SGes.lha" (tackon #sinfdir "Geschichte/"))
- )
- )
- (if (<> a 0)
- (message "Error while installing cities data.")
- )
- (set a
- (run ("C:lha x %s %s" "STou.lha" (tackon #sinfdir "Tourismus/"))
- )
- )
- (if (<> a 0)
- (message "Error while installing cities data.")
- )
- (set a
- (run ("C:lha x %s %s" "SWir.lha" (tackon #sinfdir "Wirtschaft/"))
- )
- )
- (if (<> a 0)
- (message "Error while installing cities data.")
- )
- (set a
- (run ("C:lha x %s %s" "SZ_Staedte.lha" #sinfdir)
- )
- )
- (if (<> a 0)
- (message "Error while installing cities keywords.")
- )
- (working " Installation of reworked worldmap and kontinents ")
- (set a
- (run ("C:lha x %s %s" "Kont_neu.lha" #kontdir)
- )
- )
- (if (<> a 0)
- (message "Error while installing worldmap/kontinents.")
- )
- (working " Installation of reworked maps ")
- (set a
- (run ("C:lha x %s %s" "Laender_neu.lha" #laendir)
- )
- )
- (if (<> a 0)
- (message "Error while installing maps.")
- )
- (working " Installation of reworked manual ")
- (copyfiles
- (help "")
- (SOURCE "Anleitung")
- (DEST @default-dest)
- (optional nofail force askuser)
- )
- (exit)